Patient Rights & Responsibilities
West Gate Home Medical, Inc. believes that each patient has the right to:
- Be treated with dignity, courtesy, friendliness and to have their property respected.
- Receive reasonable continuity of services upon request for home medical equipment/supplies received.
- Receive a timely response from the company when additional equipment, supplies or information is requested.
- Receive home medical equipment and services regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, race, religious or cultural beliefs, sexual preferences, or causes and nature of illness.
- Receive proper identification of name and title from personnel providing services.
- Be fully informed of the company’s policies, procedures and charges for services and equipment, including criteria for third party reimbursement and receive an explanation of all forms that are requested to be signed.
- Have all records (except as otherwise provided by law of third party payer contract) and all communications, written or oral, between customers and healthcare providers treated confidentially and kept for seven years.
- Access all health records pertaining to the customer and the right to challenge and have the records corrected for accuracy.
- Express dissatisfaction and suggest changes in any services without fear of coercion, discrimination, reprisal, or unreasonable interruption of service.
- Receive information on the company’s mechanism for receiving, reviewing, and resolving complaints or concerns.
- Be assured that all rights shall be honored by the company’s staff.
- Be informed of all responsibilities regarding home medical equipment use.
- Refuse all services, for whatever reason, at any time, to the extent permitted by law and to receive accurate information relative to the potential consequences that could result from such a decision.
- Be assured that the company personnel will be sensitive to their privacy and personal security needs at all times.
- Assume that all formulated advance directives; living wills, ethical considerations and cultural preferences will be respected and honored by all company personnel.
Patient Responsibilities Includes the Following:
- Provide West Gate Home Medical Equipment, Inc. with accurate information regarding insurance, physician, prior use of medical equipment and other pertinent information.
- Contact West Gate Home Medical Equipment, Inc. to arrange to have rental equipment picked up or returned when you no longer need equipment. Billing for the rentals shall repeat monthly on the monthly anniversary date.
- You are required to pay the patient portion of the allowed amount not covered by your insurance or the total amount if your insurance company does not pay.
- Contact your insurance company directly if you are concerned about whether your individual policy will cover your item (DME).
- Contact your health maintenance organization to verify approved DME suppliers.
- Inform a representative of West Gate Home Medical Equipment, Inc. if you are going to a skilled nursing facility. Your insurance will not pay for DME or supplies until you are discharged to a home setting.
- Maintain any purchased equipment paid for by you or your insurance company at your own expense after the warranty expires. We do not provide any additional warranty other than the manufacturer’s warranty on purchased equipment.
- Develop and maintain a safe environment for equipment and notify West Gate Home Medical Equipment, Inc. if there is an equipment problem. Participate in your equipment plan of care and notify your physician if there is a change in your health.
- Prepare a designated area prior to delivery of equipment. West Gate Home Medical Equipment, Inc.. employees are prohibited from moving furniture/miscellaneous items within your home.
- Inform West Gate Home Medical Equipment, Inc. when you will not be able to accept a delivery or pick up medical equipment supplies.
- Whenever possible, all rental equipment should be cleaned with soap and water before is returned
- Request further information concerning anything you do not understand.